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The Proclaimer 
           - Spring 2022 -

Lenten "Soup and Supper" Study focus on "Growing Good"

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For each of the Monday evenings of Lent, members are gathering in the Fellowship hall to enjoy a bowl of soup with breads. We are preparing for personal growth and church growth as we study the scriptures and participate in a video study series. The study series is called" Growing Good." Each session has been designed to generate discussion about our personal and church outreach. 

Topics for the series are broken into: Presence, Perseverance,  Hospitality,  Adaptability, Participation, and Next Steps. Each session begins with prayer and follows with a video that challenges the participants to consider where they can grow in each of the areas presented.

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Through a set of interactive activities, members share thoughts about our strengths as well as our weaknesses, guided by a series of worksheets that accompany each video. The goal of each evening gathering is to challenge our members to consider our ministry and how we can be 'Growing Good" together. 

First Sunday Communions Added

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For the majority of the life our church, communion has been offered at the Annual Meeting, Maundy Thursday, Pentecost Sunday, World-Wide Communion Sunday, and the first Sunday of Advent. While continuing these days for the celebration of communion, now communion will be offered each first Sunday.
Daily Lenten Meditations Shared
 As we renew our hearts and minds in   preparation for Easter, please enjoy these   daily online devotional links. Click   on this   link:  Or   click on   the image to the right. Feed your   spirit   through the scripture, poetry, meditation   and music. Each day of Lent offers   uniquely beautiful inspirations.
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 One Great Hour of Sharing   Offering March 27th

 Love is action. Love gives and gives some   more. For decades, One Great Hour of   Sharing has supported disaster victims, fed   the hungry, dug wells for water, provided   shelter and medical supplies, all in the   name of God's love. Click on the One Great   Hour Of Sharing Box to the right.
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Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Plans Finalized 

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Our Maundy Thursday will be held at 7:00 pm on April 14th. We will gather in the fellowship hall on the main floor to share scriptures and to practice the age old tenebrae tradition as candles are successively extinguised. The service ends as members and friends silently leave the building.

The Wauseon Ministerial Association has invited local church members to attend a community Good Friday service at the Trinity Lutheran Church. The Trinity Senior choir will be performing " A Service of Darkness" by Hal Hobson. The service will begin at 7:00 pm on April 15th. Ministers from of the Wauseon Ministerial Association will provide the readings for the community service.


Resurrection Sunday Schedule Includes Breakfast, Worship Service and Egg Hunt at North Park

On Resurrection Sunday, April17th, 
church members, community friends, and guests will begin our celebration with a buffet breakfast served at the church basement. The breakfast will be sponsored by the Church Board. 
The breakfast is scheduled to begin at 9:30 am. No reservations are required. The Church Board encourages all members to bring guests to the breakfast.  

The Worship Service will begin at 11:00 am in the sanctuary.

Following the service, children from the church and young guests from the neighborhood are invited to hunt for candy filled eggs at North Park (weather permitting).

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            Renovations to Nursery Room Completed

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Thanks to generous gifts to the church by members, the work to renovate the nursery is now completed. The walls have been repainted, the cabinets have been restored for useful service, and a new vinyl floor has been installed. The floor is composed of a product called "Lifeproof Vinyl Flooring." Mark Ellingwood of Faith Floorcovering laid each of the planks. The material is designed to interlock with a waterproof seal, and also offers maximum stain and scratch resistance. The anti-microbial flooring also resists growth of mildew and mold. The color of the flooring is "trail oak." 

Mother's Day Celebration on Sunday, May 8th 

For many years now, it has been our tradition to honor the women of the church with a carnation on Mother's Day. On May 8th, members of the church board wish to thank all of the women of the church for their role in the nurturing of our children,  grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
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