Winter 2024
All Souls Outreach
Although our congregation is always aware of the beauty of our heritage, once a year, we gather together to remind the community that we are surrounded by saints among us and saints that have gone ahead of us. The All Souls Outreach occurs on the date that the city of Wauseon sets for the community Halloween celebration. Our members fill bags of candy, and also include an informative message that explains why we celebrate "All Souls." A tent and serving table are set up in front the Kerr home on East Oak Street. The outreach team from the church serves hot chocolate and donuts to the adults who accompany their children. This year, over seven hundred children received the message for the All Souls Outreach.
Thanksgiving Dinner
We are thankful for the blessings that God has abundantly shared with us this year! We gather as a chuurch family and invite our friends and neighbors to celebrate with us in a Thanksgiving dinner that is served after the service on the Sunday before Thanksgiving day. The meal is especially for community members who might not have another opportunity to share in a Thanksgiving meal.
Annual Hanging Of The Greens
After worship on the first Sunday of the season of Advent, members and guests gather to decorate the Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary for Christmas. A light meal is enjoyed, then everyone takes on a task. Wreaths and doves are hung at the front of the sanctuary. Green roping is presented in front of the choir loft. The poinsettia flowers are placed in the windows of the Fellowship Hall and in the sanctuary. The Window candles, globes and greenery are placed in the sanctuary windows. The manger scene is arranged on the table in front of the sanctuary podium. The mitten and winter cap tree, adorned completely in white also set by the stage. The big artificial tree, reminds us of the large live Christmas trees that once was taller than then the archway is decorated with lights and a star is placed at the top.
Cookie Walk 2024
The Annual Christmas Cookie Walk is one of most cherished traditions for our congregation. The Women's Fellowship bakes and decorates a wide selection of cookies to be presented on the day of the sale. Pre-priced tins are selected by guests to the Cookie Walk. The tins are then filled from the selection of cookies that the Women's Fellowship are selling. The sale lasts from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon on the second Saturday of December. Guests are treated to cups of spiced tea or coffee. The proceeds from the Cookie walk support the Wauseon Schools Food Pantry.
Online Advent Devotionals From Biola University
The season of Advent is a time that our congregation shares to prepare our hearts for the coming of the light of the world, Jesus Christ. A daily online devotional is shared on Facebook. The devotional includes scriptures, art, music, poetry, prayers and commentaries. The devotional site is prepared each year by faculty and friends of Biola University. The devotionals extend from the first day of Advent to Epiphany. During the season of Advent, each Sunday, a family volunteers to light the advent wreath during the worship service.
Christmas Caroling and Party
Christmas Caroling is also a beloved tradition for our congregation. We gather at the church and share the itinerary for our evening travels. We visit homes and apartments for shut-ins and elderly friends and neighbors. We also visit local nursing homes. Most of our visits are a surprise, and we sing several carols at each stop on our journey. "Silent Night" is sung at each stop and the carols end with a joyful "We Wish You A Merry Christmas." Trays of fresh baked cookies and a greeting card with candy are shared each time we carol together. After the caroling, it has lately become a tradition to go out to eat Chinese food together. The evening activity is always a time of fun fellowship and song.
Community Christmas Eve Service
The final event of our Christmas season is the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. The format for the service is "Lessons and Carols." We hear once again the story of Christ's coming as recorded in the Gospels. The music for the service reflects the long heritage of choral and instrumental music as a part of our mission in the community. Vocal soloists, choir anthems, a string ensemble, brass ensemble, a piano and organ duet, and congregational singing of carols as well as the carillon bells at midnight add to the scripture lessons. Everyone celebrates the coming of the light into the world, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.