Worship and Christian Education
​On Sundays, we gather together for Bible study and corporate worship. We meet at 9:30 am for a light breakfast and a time of sharing, singing, and prayer before heading to our Sunday School classes at 10:00 am.
Our worship time begins at 11:00 am. The service includes singing, prayer, corporate readings, a message from our pastor, and an offering by the congregation. Generally ending at about 12:00 noon, the service of worship is followed by our "coffee hour". This welcoming time of greeting and sharing after the service is accompanied by light snacks, coffee and punch, prepared by individual members and families from our fellowship.

Local Outreach
​A Crop Walk, sponsored by our church in cooperation with the Ministerial Associaiton is one of our annual community events. Twenty-five percent of the funds raised by this activity benefit the local FISH pantry. The rest supports efforts to eliminate world hunger.
The "Kite Fest", and Vacation Bible Camp reach the youth our our community with the message of the Good News.
The "Cookie Walk" during the Christmas season raises money for the Wauseon Elementary School pantry.
Our Community Christmas Eve Service brings friends and families together to enjoy the "Lessons and Carols" with local soloists and choir sharing the true meaning of Christmas.

​Congregationalists enjoy good food and good conversation. Our social times often include food with our fellowship. Our church kitchen and basement hall are the site for our church-wide potluck dinners. These meals feature home cooked family favorites and a main course preapred in the kitchen.
The Women's Fellowship meets once a month for prayer and study time. As one might suspect, the gathering also incudes good food and conversation.
One of the highlights of the church year is the "Church in the Woods." Members meet to worship at the beautiful Reighard Park. Following the service, everyone gathers to enjoy an impressive feast of summer standards.