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We are Congregationalists. What does that mean?  For over 150 years in Wauseon, we have been participating in a local mission that is tied to a much larger and historical church organization. Our heritage begins with the Pilgrims who came to America to find a place to freely express their beliefs.  Today, our church still values individuality, and makes decisions concerning the direction of our ministry by voting in congregational meetings. 


The earliest members of our church had their roots in New England. They migrated to Northwest Ohio and brought their spiritual traditions with them.  In June of 1861, the initial twelve members signed a charter and organized the Wauseon First Congregational Church.


Today, we meet together at the building on the corner of Clinton and Elm streets. Our gathering includes members, friends and neighbors from varied professions and stages in life.  Businessmen, health care workers, farmers, teachers, factory workers, unemployed and retired, all meet to share our life together. We are single, married, divorced, very young, teenager, young adult, middle aged, and senior status. Our community is based in a commitment to share our time, talents, and financial resources to support our mission.


Our local mission, sharing Jesus Christ with the community, is tied to a larger international mission by our association with the Untied Church of Christ.


Why do we gather, and what is our purpose? "Our purpose is to be a place where the grace of God and forgiveness through Jesus Christ can be experienced. We exist to have a positive place to practice our faith by serving others, to create an atmosphere of caring and respect for each other."


Our story is written by the daily life of our members and friends. We enjoy a beautiful heritage, and we also seek a vibrant and relevant future in our local and international community. Our story is evolving, open to all who might wish to share with us and to contribute to the next chapters. The unity of our congregational life is shared outside the walls of our church building In our everyday experiences. Wherever our paths take us, we seek to share the witness of our Christian faith with our community.



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